How to Get Aluminum in Astroneer

How to Get Aluminum in Astroneer

Aluminum in Astroneer is a unique resource that players will need to craft a number of mods, so here's everything you need to know to get it.

Where to find Aluminum in Astroneer

To get aluminum in Astroneer, you will first need to get laterite and put it in a smelting furnace. You can get underground laterite from underground red and bluish deposits that appear crystalline and shaped like a cylindrical gear. You can also exchange scrap for the material via an exchange platform which you can create with the following resources via an average printer.

  • A tungsten
  • Iron
  • A compound

But to get aluminum you will have to build a melting furnace with two resins and a compound through the medium printer by inserting the materials inside. Once you get the smelting furnace, place it on the ground and insert the laterite inside via attached storage containers.

Related: Astroneer: How to Get Iron - Find Hematite!

When the oven is done cooking, you'll get aluminum, which you can then use to craft the following items โ€“ you can also use this oven to smelt various other items if you didn't know that already.

  • Aluminum Alloy โ€“ Requires a chemistry lab to craft.
  • Landing Pad โ€“ Requires a large printer to make.
  • Small Shuttle - Requires a large printer to make.
  • Oxygenerator โ€“ Requires a small printer to make.
  • Medium Generator โ€“ Requires a small printer to make.
  • Auto-Arming โ€“ Requires a small printer to do.
  • Solid Fuel Thruster โ€“ Requires a small printer to craft.
  • Tractor โ€“ Requires a small printer to craft.
  • Trailer โ€“ Requires a small printer to make.
  • Soil Centrifuge โ€“ Requires a Medium Printer to craft.
  • Buggy โ€“ Requires an average printer to make.

To learn more about Astroneer, we at PGG have a ton of guides like Astroneer: How-to Salvage Debris and Astroneer: How-to Get Tungsten โ€“ Finding Wolframite!.

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