TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

The composition Viego and Zed with Aurochs is one of the compositions of Set 8 of teamfight Tactics. All information about this set is in this article.

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viego-and-zed-lineup-with-aurochs-ox-force-at-tft-set-8">Introducing Viego and Zed lineup with Aurochs (Ox Force) at TFT Set 8

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

The main interest of this composition lies in the balance between its 2 carries: viego et Zed. Indeed, the first uses all the AP items while the second will feast on the AD components. This therefore makes it possible to have mixed sources of damage and to use each offensive component during a game. This explosive duo will finish fights at lightning speed.

With aurochs (Ox Force) and Renegade (Renegade), viego will do massive damage and survive death for a second, giving him the opportunity to execute as many targets as possible, while Zed, with Hacker et Duelist, will infiltrate enemy lines to eliminate enemy carries. These 2 champions ignore enemy tanks thanks to their ultimates, there may not be any assassins in the set, but with this composition, it's just the same.

The optimal items

In this composition, it is necessary to aim for the BiS items of viego, then the best possible items for Zed with the remaining components.

viegoTFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

It is very important to combine a TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Ion Spark to reduce the magic resistance of enemies around Viego. Then a crit item like the TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Precious Gauntlet and a healing item like TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 hand of justice will complete the BiS of viego.

ZedTFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

Zed, as for him, will recover the TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 curved arch and TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 BF Sword obtained during the game.

The only component that neither Zed ni viego don't use is the TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Giant's Belt. Alistar ou Echo will use them to combine a TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Redemption or an TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Warmog Armor.

The best augments of the composition

Generic augments

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

The increases giving +1 Aurochsas an Antique Archives are among the strongest for this composition, in particular the one giving a Auroch emblem for Zed, then allow to play the next alternative version of the comp.

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

Enrichment of the Rich is an excellent choice to speed up level 8 and obtain all the champions of this expensive composition.

Bag of components et Pandora's box will allow you to obtain the BiS items of viego et Zed, for maximum efficiency of both champions.

Finally, a +1 duelist ou +1 Hacker allow you to bring in better units while keeping the synergies activated, while Hunter-Born will allow the carries of this composition to regenerate on each kill.

The hero augments

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

The 2 hero augments of viego et Leona are relevant to increase the effectiveness of the champion and obtain a copy. Support augments like those ofAlistar ou Annie will improve the general strength of this composition.

Game flow and victory conditions

When to level up?

These are usually the rounds in which you want to level up. Rounds marked with * are best if you are on a winning streak and therefore want to play more aggressively, or if you have a lot of eco.

  • 4 level : Round 2-3 (or 2-1*)
  • 5 level : Round 2-5 (or 2-2*)
  • 6 level : Round 3-2 (or 3-1*)
  • 7 level : Round 4-1 (or 3-5*)
  • 8 level : Round 4-5 (or 4-2*)

How is the game going?

It is important to go to level 8, or at least at level 7, to play this composition because it is necessary Viego 2 et Zed 2 and 4 Aurochs et 2 Hackers. The early game should focus on the economy and recovery of key components.

The 1st carousel must be used to collect TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 Training gloves or an TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8 BF Sword. Heel can wear AD items like AP before getting Zed et viego, but be careful, in this case, you will have to keep a spare copy, because the champion is key in the final composition.

A mid game revolving aroundaurochs with Annie et Renegades will allow you to reach level 8, potentially with a winning streak.

In the case of a difficult game, it is possible to roll the composition to level 7.

the end of the game

Once at level 8, ideally in 4-2 or 4-5, you have to roll to get Viego 2 et Zed 2, as well as any missing pieces that will complete the composition.

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

Once stabilized at level 8, this composition aims to reach the 9 level to add legendaries tier 2Including syndra which is excellent in this composition, because it will be able to continuously bring units from the bench directly to the board, ideally Urgot.

The positioning

TFT: Compo Viego and Zed with Aurochs (Ox Force) in Set 8

Tanks like Alistar, Echo And the others aurochs must be on the front line, to hold the attention of enemy champions and give maximum time to viego et Zed to eliminate their targets.

Zed must be sent into the opposing backline thanks to the Hackerrim! for him to eliminate ranged carries. viego must be in the second line to avoid taking aggro from enemy units and stay alive as long as possible.

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